
SoHO LASCO CME Catalog Hosted By The CDAW Data Center

First C2 Appearance First Onset at 1Rs CPA [deg] Width [deg] Speed [km/s] Accel [m/s2]
2010/03/30 18:54:05.000 2010/03/30 18:04:41 86 64 726 -16.40

C2 Difference GOES XRay Linear Fit


"This CME catalog is generated and maintained by NASA and The Catholic University of America in cooperation with the Naval Research Laboratory. SOHO is a project of international cooperation between ESA and NASA." Comments or questions regarding catalog contents should be addressed to: Nat Gopalswamy and Seiji Yashiro

This remote dbase access and search is performed by the SolarSoft routine running under an sswidl server. SSW users may use that function directly for application developement and to access this CME data base within an SSW session for cross mission/instrument correlations. Optionally, output from that function may be input into to map from events to Author: Samuel Freeland
