Start Time, GOES, AR, LocBehind |   Ahead
2010/02/12 22:33  C3.0  1045  N25W55 W126 E10195 FD (J)  195 FD (M)195 PF (J)  195 PF (M)304 PF (J)  304 PF (M) |   195 FD (J)  195 FD (M)195 PF (J)  195 PF (M)171 PF (J)  171 PF (M)284 PF (J)  284 PF (M)304 PF (J)  304 PF (M)
Difference images195 FD (J)  195 FD (M)195 PF (J)  195 PF (M) |   195 FD (J)  195 FD (M)195 PF (J)  195 PF (M)171 PF (J)  171 PF (M)284 PF (J)  284 PF (M)
Light curves in macro pixels195 PF304 PF |   195 PF171 PF284 PF304 PF

CME ObservationsEUVI-COR1 (B)EUVI-COR1 (A)Summary_LASCO (CME associated with a gradual flare that started before the C3.0 impulsive flare) Movie_LASCO

Last updated on 29 November 2011