Start Time, GOES, AR, LocBehind |   Ahead
2009/12/22 21:45  C1.0  1035  N27W98 W165 W34195 FD (J)  195 FD (M)195 PF (J)  195 PF (M)304 PF (J)  304 PF (M) |   195 FD (J)  195 FD (M)195 PF (J)  195 PF (M)304 PF (J)  304 PF (M)
Difference images195 FD (J)  195 FD (M)195 PF (J)  195 PF (M) |   195 FD (J)  195 FD (M)195 PF (J)  195 PF (M)
Light curves in macro pixels195 PF304 PF |   195 PF304 PF

Note that the PF images from Behind are on a wrong region (AR 1039). The correct region (AR 1038) was too far behind the limb to leave any traces in images from Behind.
CME ObservationsEUVI-COR1 (B)EUVI-COR1 (A)LASCO CME catalog for December 2009

Last updated on 29 December 2009