Start Time, GOES, AR, LocBehind |   Ahead
2007/06/01 06:46  M1.0  960  S08E95 E91 E102 195 FD (J)  195 FD (M)195 PF (J)  195 PF (M)171 PF (J)  171 PF (M)284 PF (J)  284 PF (M)304 PF (J)  304 PF (M) |   195 FD (J)  195 FD (M)195 PF (J)  195 PF (M)171 PF (J)  171 PF (M)284 PF (J)  284 PF (M)304 PF (J)  304 PF (M)
Difference images195 FD (J)  195 FD (M)195 PF (J)  195 PF (M)171 PF (J)  171 PF (M)284 PF (J)  284 PF (M) |   195 FD (J)  195 FD (M)195 PF (J)  195 PF (M)171 PF (J)  171 PF (M)284 PF (J)  284 PF (M)
Light curves in macro pixels195 PF171 PF284 PF304 PF |   195 PF171 PF284 PF304 PF

CME ObservationsEUVI-COR1 (B)EUVI-COR1 (A)Summary_LASCO Movie_LASCO

The above CME may not be associated with the M-class flare because dimming that started earlier does not seem to change at the flare onset.

Last updated on 20 September 2009