EUVI Movies
3-D movie: ssw routine to create series of frames:
ts = '2007-05-16T16:00'
te = '2007-06-16T18:00'
disp : see notes for sb_gtrans
lut = # of color table entry (in sb_colors1.tbl)
- Example 1: Anaglyph movie in 171
euvi_movieframes,ts,te,'outdir', $
naxis=disp.naxis,delt_1=disp.delt_1,rval=disp.rval, $
obs=['a','b'],wave=[171,171],lut=[7,5] ; 7=cyan,5=red
- Example 2: A/B side-by-side, 3 wavelength overlay
euvi_movieframes,ts,te,'outdir', /TWOPANEL, $
naxis=disp.naxis,delt_1=disp.delt_1,rval=disp.rval, $
wave=[171,195,284],lut=[1,2,3] ; 1-4:"standard" EIT tables
- Use tool such as QuickTime Pro to create movie file